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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
Call Sign : 163-CT-320 Posts : 4 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2022-05-08 QTH or Location : Mold, Wales, UK Equipment Used : CRT 6900N and Cobra 148GTL DX (in need of repair).
Subject: List of Useful Side band Frequencies Mon May 16, 2022 3:02 pm
Apologies if this has been posted in the wrong place and feel free to move it if needs be.
I have found this while searching and thought it may be of use to the group. I am noting the author as Mr Richard Mindler of international Sidebanders.
27.995 USB: Eastern Europe
27.985 USB: Soviet Republic
27.980 USB: Mongolia
27.977 USB: Mongolia /China
27.965 USB: Ukraine
27.960 LSB: Gabon
27.950 LSB: Belize
27.920 USB: WW Members (Canada)
27.920 LSB: Central America
27.915 USB: KA Members ( Kuwait /Turkey/ Middle East)
27.495 USB: ( Very popular for small pacific island nations such as the Philippines, Kiribati’s, Marshall Islands, Guam, and Micronesia. In fact, you can almost guarantee a contact on this frequency if there is an opening into the OC region.) 27.475 STAR City Radio Group
27.475 USB : Norfolk Island
27.455 USB: ( Mostly French speaking stations, lots of the former French Colonies call here when conditions are open to the African continent + South American Stations use this frequency also)
27.365 USB: South Pacific Islands ( Tonga etc. ) [size=13]27.365 LSB / 27.465 USB Radio DX International ( CANADA )[/size]
27.355 LSB: ( New Zealand & Australia )
27.335 USB: ( Christmas Island and Kiribati’s Monitor )
27.275 USB: ( South African Call Frequency )
27.265 USB: ( South Africa /Indian Ocean ) 27.155 LSB : ( The Official Australian Call Frequency ) 27.025 AM : Stations running excessive power levels on channel 6 at 27.025 AM are said to be participating in the Super Bowl. Runner up to channel 6 is channel 11 at 27.085 AM which is also dominated by high power skip shooters.
26 MHZ Frequencies ***
26.030 USB: VLF Group, Canada
26.260 LSB: NF Group ( Nordstrand Friendship , Oslo )
26.270 USB: North Atlantic Net ( its no longer in use at this time, but will be active again in the future when time & conditions permit … in the meantime why not check out the old North Atlantic Net website ….. you might just be able to recognize some of the North Atlantic Net monitors =)))))
26.285 USB: General Call Frequency
26.330 USB: Christchurch New Zealand Call Frequency
26.355 LSB: New Zealand and small islands ie. 224, 130 divisions.
26.400 USB: Cape Breton Island ( the guys around Big Pond & Sydney)
26.425 USB: FF Group ( Polish Call Frequency )
26.430 USB: Canadian Outlaws Group
26.440 USB: Central Africa
26.485 USB: PW Group ( Pendle Witches … UK , Canada , USA etc)
26.505 USB: ( Hungarian Call Frequency, they answer to a certain whistle !!! … I was never into whistling on the radio, but there you go … I guess it takes all sorts )
26.567 USB: HO Group ( Norway)
26.635 USB: VN Group ( Holland)
26.720 LSB: ( New Zealand ) 26.775 AM ( SouthEast Truckers USA )
26.780 LSB: ( International Calling Frequency for packet radio 1200 baud )
26.790 USB: Kuwait
26.795 USB: Tanzania
26.920 USB: Morocco
26.938 USB: French Polynesia
FREEBAND 11 METER FREQUENCIES AND BANDS While some export radios – sold as 10 meter radios – often cover frequencies above and below the 25.615-28.305 MHz range, that is the de facto “standard” export band alphanumeric plan. Generally the CB band is band “D” or the “mid band”. On 120-channel radios, coverage is generally limited to 26.515-27.855 MHz or 26.065-27.405 MHz, depending on the model. Modern Chinese export radios cover 25.615-30.105 MHz to include all of the 10 meter band and frequencies above it.
25.615-26.055 MHz – Band A – often used by taxi cabs and trucking companies (AM mode in the Americas, AM or FM elsewhere)
25.835 MHz AM – CB channel 19 “down three bands” – truckers are often heard here
26.065-26.505 MHz – Band B – often used by taxi cabs, trucking companies and [size=13]hunting clubs[/size]
26.225 MHz USB – Latin American SSB activity
26.285 MHz USB – 26 MHz international calling frequency (commonly used in Europe)
26.285 MHz AM – CB channel 19 “down two bands” – truckers are often heard here
26.305 MHz AM – truckers, often heard in North America during band openings
26.385 MHz AM – truckers, taxis, etc.
26.405 MHz AM – another commonly active frequency
26.500 MHz LSB – Caribbean activity noted (also in USB mode – see 27.515 MHz LSB, 27.500 MHz USB and 27.500 MHz LSB)
26.515-26.955 MHz – Band C – “low band” or “lowers” all sorts of users, AM in the Americas, AM, FM and SSB elsewhere
26.515 MHz AM – active in southern USA
26.555 MHz LSB – very active in Mexico and Central/South America (and Caribbean)
26.565 MHz FM – Begin German 80 channel CB band to 27.405 MHz (FM only up to 26.955 MHz)
26.585 MHz AM – Mexican trucker channel, often very busy
26.605 MHz AM – alternate to 26.585 MHz (see also, 26.575 MHz, 26.595 MHz)
26.705 MHz AM – Puerto Rico, Florida and other Caribbean AM stations, often extremely powerful
26.715 MHz AM – alternate to 26.705 MHz
26.725 MHz AM – alternate to 26.705 MHz and 26.715 MHz
26.735 MHz AM – CB channel 19 “down one band” – truckers are often heard here (see also 27.635 MHz)
26.755 MHz AM – Often active in southern USA + every 10 kHz to 26.955 MHz
26.885 MHz AM – alternate to 26.915 MHz, others
26.905 MHz AM – alternate to 26.915 MHz, others
26.915 MHz AM – Big radios USA “915” channel 36 down one band, AM DX channel
26.965-27.405 MHz – Band D – legal CB band – “mid band”, “FCC band” or “CEPT” band
27.415-27.855 MHz – Band E – “high band” or “uppers”, mixture of SSB, AM and FM (FM rarely used in North or South America)
27.410 MHz LSB – Often used for SSB in the USA, can suffer from interference or QRM from AM stations on 27.405 MHz (CB channel 40)
27.415 MHz LSB – US calling/working frequencies (channels +5 kHz, 27.420 MHz, 27.425 MHz, 27.430 MHz, and so on, usually in LSB mode)
27.455 MHz USB – Latin American calling frequency (see also 26.555 MHz LSB) – Spanish language
27.505 MHz LSB – “Channel 50” – US freebanders
27.515 MHz LSB – Jamaica and Caribbean calling/DX frequency “The Knight Patrol”
27.555 MHz USB – international 11 meter DX calling frequency
27.60125 MHz FM – begin UK FM 27/81 CB allocation, 10 kHz steps to 27.99125 MHz
27.635 MHz USB – digital modes found here in Europe (ROS, PSK31), see also 27.235 MHz and 27.245 MHz
27.635 MHz AM – CB channel 19 “up one band” – truckers are often heard here (see also 26.735 MHz, 28.085 MHz, 25.835 MHz, 26.285 MHz, etc)
27.665 MHz USB – Spanish language common frequencies + 5 kHz USB/LSB to 27.705 MHz or higher
27.700 MHz USB – international 11 meter SSTV frequency
27.735 MHz USB – international 11 meter SSTV frequency (alternate, also digital SSTV)
27.775 MHz AM – sometimes AM signals are heard on this frequency and higher during band openings, often taxi dispatchers, etc
27.855 MHz AM – High band channel 40 – popular with trucking companies and taxi cabs
27.855-28.305 MHz – Band F – up to 27.995 MHz (channel 11A) popular with taxicabs and truckers, although truckers are often heard above 28.000 MHz it is strongly advised that freebanders stay below 28 MHz
Regards, Paul. 163-CT-320
John123, homerjaguar, Ace, black diamond, Durke78 and Mr T like this post
Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6153 Times Thanked : 375 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: List of Useful Side band Frequencies Tue May 17, 2022 7:22 am
Hi Paul,
Thanks for contributing to the forum.
This list and many others like it abound the internet and I'm sure with very good intention. A typical example is here :-
Unfortunately the band is very fluid depending on current usage and often such lists don't age well or are updated often. The exception is channelised allocation by government organisations but even these change from time to time. (Such as legal use in the UK of frequencies and modes such as AM/SSB used in Europe, historically know as the Mid-Block of USA fame or even pre-legal UK days.)
Nowadays CB or 11m radios are much more frequency agile and always best to utilise such features especially when operating DX.
For example 27.555MHz USB, known as various names such as the 'Triple-5', 'Triple Nickel' or just plain 'Triple', is renowned as being the international calling frequency for DX. When conditions are ripe that frequency can be a cacophony of noise with hundreds of operators around the world all competing with each other and transmitting at once!! DX there can be difficult and some enjoy that challenge but there are better alternatives. One is to call out or transmit on a frequency away from but around the 555 where the frequency will be much clearer and you're more likely to be heard then contact established. In fact if you call out on pretty much most of the frequencies for long enough someone is bound to stumble across your transmission and answer your call.
Channel and frequency allocation can be a bad thing with people believing they can place 'ownership' on such frequencies. We've often heard the complaints of not talking on the '19', keeping the triple 'clear' and even on frequency fluid Ham bands closely 'guarded' frequencies because that's where they run their 'Net' usually. I've often heard nets start up on Ham bands stomping all over stations already there and excuses of not hearing them yet complaints of our European cousins protesting being described as "Johnny foreigner".....so obviously did and can hear them!?!
Propagation conditions change all the time, from moment to moment and often despite computational predictions sometimes unexpectedly.
So it may well be useful to listen out on certain frequencies for a 'lift' or activity and maybe work it early before it gets busy, but also remembering that's a big electromagnetic sky so worth looking around too.
Also very worth while taking a shout out on a frequency for a bit from time to time just in case a 'lift' is there and everyone's too busy listening so never know there's an opening.
If the next time you hear someone chatting on the 19, the triple five or whatever 'allocated' frequency just take a listen first before protesting.....maybe it's a couple of operators a hundred miles or more away from you on a short hop skip and surely then it counts as DX? It doesn't all have to be foreign sounding voices or American twangs.
Cheers again Paul and I look forward to further contributions to the forum.
All the best, Victor
glenn dog, Sharpshooter and Wood like this post
41KK407 New Member
Call Sign : 41KK407 Posts : 1 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2022-02-13 QTH or Location : kapiti coast NZ Equipment Used : Anytone AT-5555n
Subject: Re: List of Useful Side band Frequencies Mon May 23, 2022 5:34 am
you are missing nz truck channel 11 am 26.4500
NoMad Contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-4253 Posts : 61 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2021-09-15 QTH or Location : Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Equipment Used : CRT SS6900N, RTL-SDR Blog V3, Baofeng UV5R-3.
Subject: Re: List of Useful Side band Frequencies Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:04 am