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PostSubject: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2021 10:48 am

Sorry about the poor visuals, wasn't really ready in a position to record anything, but had to grab a quick clip. Ch 12 FM CEPT just now. Again like the church stations I picked up yesterday, others might have come across this before, but this was my first time. A station, in Germany I believe, recording and playing back what it was receiving.

I need to say I talk to myself enough without the help of our German friends lol.

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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2021 11:14 am

You've just lapped the planet 😎
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Call Sign : 26-CT-1079
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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2021 4:40 pm

Hi Neal its a repeater there is a few come through on mid block ive had contacts from the midlands to scotland and london via that just leave a gap in between overs it is quite good when you get used to it 73's and good dx Mark cheers
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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2021 6:27 pm

skipmaster wrote:
Hi Neal its a repeater there is a few come through on mid block ive had contacts from the midlands to scotland and london via that just leave a gap in between overs it is quite good when you get used to it 73's and good dx Mark cheers
Thanks! That make sense. I kinda had in the back of my mind that it might be, but didn't know any actually existed on 11m. I've just a had a little google and have seen that a few people in Sweden, Germany and Poland have made some 'simple' parrot repeaters that operate on 11m. Not something I came across back in the day on there.

Thanks again, I'll have to listen out for them in the future.
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Call Sign : 26-CT-1079
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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2021 6:37 pm

no problem Neal im sure someone put info on here maybe before the reset of the forum so probably not on here now but there is always someone here to help, hope you doing well on dx , i like the short stuff uk to uk but like every one on here any contact is good hope we can speak on air sometime cheers MarkĀ  pirat
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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2021 9:25 pm

Thanks! That make sense. I kinda had in the back of my mind that it might be, but didn't know any actually existed on 11m. I've just a had a little google and have seen that a few people in Sweden, Germany and Poland have made some 'simple' parrot repeaters that operate on 11m. Not something I came across back in the day on there........

Whats the point, i will rent/lend my wife for the week, same end result, problem is it does not stop when you turn the rig off !!!!!!!!!! Rolling Eyes

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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2021 10:37 pm

Hi Rjbingham, I did exactly the same thing when I first accidentally came across a repeater.I thought who’s that taking the Mick repeating what I was saying. (It’s not the UKFM).
One thing you will certainly hear is how well your modulation is and roger bleep
Seriously when you hear the repeater well it’s a good sign that the bands are open and your almost certain of a few good contacts with or without the use of a repeater.Your right in saying that most can he heard on the Mids FM which I also found to be true on 11m.Here’s a few for anyone who hasn’t tried using one yet,Because one minute you could be talking to someone in the Southwest of England and the next a mobile station in Berlin and both giving you 5 and 9.
27.245 Mids FM Spain repeater.
27.405 Mids FM Czech repeater.
26.955 Lows FM German repeater.
Here’s a few repeaters that I hear on a regular basis and remember to just wait after you TX,It can get confusing at times especially if there’s half a dozen stations calling but the effort is well worth it.Your working conditions will never have sounded so good..😎
Cheers Tom.
26 CT 4029
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Call Sign : 14-CT-014 F5VLY
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QTH or Location : Toulouse
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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2021 5:21 am

Cheers Tom,
I did not know they existed, thanks for listing the frequencies I will store them in the tcvr.

73 Ady
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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2021 7:28 am

No problem Ady, I’m sure they will be even stronger and easier to use at your QTH.
cheers Tom.
26 CT 4029
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Call Sign : 1-CT-024 is0jho
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PostSubject: Re: When you make a contact with yourself...   When you make a contact with yourself... Icon_minitimeSat Sep 18, 2021 10:19 pm

Hi to all , as i am new here on this forum ,just a short post to say i never knew there are repeaters in 11 meters , something new to me ,will add these frequencies ,please excuse my english as i live in Italy ,73s to all ,nik555.

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