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Call Sign : 26-CT-4951 Posts : 65 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2023-09-12 QTH or Location : Malvern Worcester Equipment Used : Thunderpole T 2000 Age : 59
Subject: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:41 pm
Hi all. Hope I'm posting this in the correct forum.
A fellow Breaker , lives in Rossendale Valley, Lancashire and is looking for a 21 foot scaffolding pole. I wondered if anyone has any connections in that area? Thank you..
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Mavic2Pro New Member
Call Sign : 26-CT-4634 Posts : 28 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2022-07-27 QTH or Location : Clacton Equipment Used : Super Star 3900 (2023),Yaseu FT-450D, Uniden Uniace 200, Audioline PT-341, CRT SS6900 V V7, Astatic 575-M6 Teardrop, Uniden 125xlt, Baofeng UV-5rIII, Malachite SDR, Realistic Pro 2006. Sirio 5/8 Gainmaster, Procomm PT-99 Age : 62
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:08 pm
Hi Pauline.
I wanted to purchase a scaffold pole over 15feet but found that the delivery cost was actually more than the cost of the pole - due to the length and vehicle used for delivery!
So I ended up buying 5 interlocking 5ft aluminium poles from Doug at Knights Electrocomm. You lose a few inches because of the interlock sleeves, but they are light, strong and won’t rust. They do them in various diameters too. I gave the locking faces a liberal coat of mountain bike assembly paste/copper grease. This is to stop the poles fusing together over a long period.
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Pauline Flynn Contributor
Call Sign : 26-CT-4951 Posts : 65 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2023-09-12 QTH or Location : Malvern Worcester Equipment Used : Thunderpole T 2000 Age : 59
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:16 pm
Thank you
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Mavic2Pro New Member
Call Sign : 26-CT-4634 Posts : 28 Times Thanked : 0 Join date : 2022-07-27 QTH or Location : Clacton Equipment Used : Super Star 3900 (2023),Yaseu FT-450D, Uniden Uniace 200, Audioline PT-341, CRT SS6900 V V7, Astatic 575-M6 Teardrop, Uniden 125xlt, Baofeng UV-5rIII, Malachite SDR, Realistic Pro 2006. Sirio 5/8 Gainmaster, Procomm PT-99 Age : 62
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:22 pm
You are most welcome Pauline. I suggest that you buy a guy bracket and guy wire too. The only drawback I found is that the poles will bend if you live in an area like I do that is open to strong winds.
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Les-1 10 + Year member
Call Sign : 26CT739 / 26GB739 Posts : 61 Times Thanked : 8 Join date : 2019-07-16 QTH or Location : Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire Equipment Used : Superstar 3900n, Magnum S9, Cobra 148 GTL DX, Superstar 360 FM, Nato 2000, Lafayette 1200, Hygain V, Albrecht AE2990AFS, Cobra uk29 LTD ST, York jcb 863, York jcb 861, Uniden Uniace 200, Midland 4001, RM KLV550, RM KL400, Zetagi B300P, Sirio GainMaster, T2LT, 7' Firestik, Atron99, 18' Silver rod, Sadelta Echo Master plus, Astatic echomax 2000, Moonraker power mic Age : 58
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:27 pm
you could also if wanted to make the interlocking poles more secure is where the poles interlock drill a hole all the way through and put a nut & bolt through to secure like I did with 2 sections of poles.
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Sharpshooter Major contributor
Call Sign : 163-CT-329 Posts : 485 Times Thanked : 13 Join date : 2022-04-05 QTH or Location : Deeside, Flintshire Equipment Used : A growing list
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:25 pm
Hi Pauline. 21' scaff poles are very very heavy. How does your friend plan on mounting one ? Most these days are galvanised so rust isn't too much an issue. Your best bet would be to spot some local scaffolding lads and ask to buy one off them
You can get 10' ally poles from Toolstation for £16.99, 1.5" they slide into scaff poles. https://www.toolstation.com/search
I'm interested in the outcome because I've been humming and hawing for over 12 months and still have no homebase antenna installed.
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Nightprowler New Member
Call Sign : 163TM186...MW6ETW Posts : 48 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-03-29 QTH or Location : Abergavenny Equipment Used : Yaesu FT757 GX2...Kenwood TS440S...Sirio GM
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 07, 2023 10:31 pm
Thats what I done a few years back. My neighbours were having work done to their house so I asked how much to make one of the 21 foot poles appear in my garden, A couple of cups of coffee for the lads and it was mine You don't ask you don't get. Only thing is when I moved house I had to leave it behind because I could not fit it into the van I hired
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Sharpshooter Major contributor
Call Sign : 163-CT-329 Posts : 485 Times Thanked : 13 Join date : 2022-04-05 QTH or Location : Deeside, Flintshire Equipment Used : A growing list
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:48 pm
Nightprowler wrote:
Thats what I done a few years back. My neighbours were having work done to their house so I asked how much to make one of the 21 foot poles appear in my garden, A couple of cups of coffee for the lads and it was mine You don't ask you don't get. Only thing is when I moved house I had to leave it behind because I could not fit it into the van I hired
You could of cut it in half then got a joining sleeve
Call Sign : 163TM186...MW6ETW Posts : 48 Times Thanked : 3 Join date : 2020-03-29 QTH or Location : Abergavenny Equipment Used : Yaesu FT757 GX2...Kenwood TS440S...Sirio GM
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sun Oct 08, 2023 11:33 am
I could of but I didn't have an angle grinder or any other power tool that would of done it only a blunt rusty hacksaw and if I tried using that I would still be sat in my old back garden cutting it now two years on
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Coyote Contributor
Call Sign : 2-CT-216 Posts : 57 Times Thanked : 1 Join date : 2022-01-25 QTH or Location : Palmdale California Equipment Used : Base RCI 2950 Mirage, Mirage M75 Amatuer Bi-Linear Amplifier,with a Antron 99 base station antenna, Mobile radio Cobra 29 LTD Classic and Wilson 1000 Mag Mount Antenna, Marko F100 Amplifier.
Subject: Re: 21 foot scaffolding pole. Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:43 am
Hi Pauline.
I used a 24 foot chainlink fence top rail to put up my Antron 99, cheaper than scaffolding and it has held up in 45 to 60 mile per hour wind gusts out here in the Mohave Desert of southern California USA.
2CT216 or 451 The Coyote in the Mohave Desert Southern California.