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Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign
I'll have a listen out my way mate and see if I can catch anybody. (I might be a tad far away but you never know. )
I hope the net is a success or strives on to continue to become one.
73, Victor
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Razz229 Major contributor
Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290 Posts : 819 Times Thanked : 30 Join date : 2019-07-01 QTH or Location : Kent Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam. Age : 56
Good luck with the net and don't get to disheartened if it seems quiet for the first few weeks, just keep at it.
I look forward to reading the logs on CT and I will try for net one Wednesday night as I have worked that area in the past.
All the best
Ray 2290
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John123 CT Directors
Call Sign : 26CT763 Posts : 4469 Times Thanked : 161 Join date : 2019-06-27 QTH or Location : Manchester Equipment Used : Optima, Superstar 360fm, Stalker 9fdx, President Jack Age : 50
I will have a listen in, next week. I can sometimes work parts of Norfolk from my Dx Perch in North Derbyshire.
73s John.
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Victor CT Directors
Call Sign : 26-CT-3228 / M7VIC Posts : 6136 Times Thanked : 375 Join date : 2019-11-10 QTH or Location : Bedford Equipment Used : Various
Subject: Re: Martins norfolk NET 27.355 lsb Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:09 am
Nothing heard my way Jimmy but I didn't get to grab a lot of time for a good listen out.
I shall try listening out again next week and despite the distance I may be able to catch someone else half way between to at least convey a message to wish you all well.
I wish everyone all the best with the net and as Ray mentions keep at it and it'll all soon grow.
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Razz229 Major contributor
Call Sign : 26 CT 2290 & 26 CI 2290 Posts : 819 Times Thanked : 30 Join date : 2019-07-01 QTH or Location : Kent Equipment Used : On 11m a Anytone 6666, Solarcon A99 vertical antenna or a Sirio 4000. On PMR a CRT Space U, a 1/4 wave GPA, homemade mag mount & sometimes a 8 element beam. Age : 56
Subject: Re: Martins norfolk NET 27.355 lsb Yesterday at 10:22 pm
Did have a listen on Wednesday 2-10-2024.
Not sure if it was the net having trouble, but did hear singing and a IQ 0 playing his roger beep multiple times for all.
If it was the net, don't give up. From my own experience chairing 2 nets they do get bored and go away.